Protein Help

DBR1 / YKL149C Protein

Protein abundance data, domains, shared domains with other proteins, protein sequence retrieval for various strains, sequence-based physico-chemical properties, protein modification sites, and external identifiers for the protein.

PRP26 5
Protein Product
RNA lariat debranching enzyme
Feature Type
ORF , Verified

AlphaFold Protein Structure

AlphaFold, developed by DeepMind, is an AI program that accurately predicts protein structures from amino acid sequences, enabling visualization of protein conformations. The predicted structures can be accessed through the Protein Data Bank (PDB) and AlphaFold Protein Structure Database.

Parsing response... [0/0]

Model Confidence

Very high
Very low

Experimental Data

Contains experimentally-derived protein half-life data obtained using stable isotope labeling by amino acids (SILAC) coupled with mass spectrometry. This section also contains protein abundance data for both untreated and treated cells obtained from over 20 studies. These data have been normalized and converted to a common unit of molecules per cell.

Protein Half Life

No half-life data available for DBR1.

Protein Abundance

Increase the total number of rows showing on this page by using the pull-down located below the table, or use the page scroll at the table's top right to browse through its pages; use the arrows to the right of a column header to sort by that column; filter the table using the "Filter" box at the top of the table.

Abundance (molecules/cell)MediaTreatmentTreatment timeFold ChangeVisualizationStrain backgroundOriginal ReferenceReference
1493SDuntreatedconfocal microscopy evidenceS288CBreker M, et al. (2013)Ho B, et al. (2018)
1218SD2 mM 1,4-dithiothreitol2 hrconfocal microscopy evidenceS288CBreker M, et al. (2013)Ho B, et al. (2018)
1459SD1 mM hydrogen peroxide1 hrconfocal microscopy evidenceS288CBreker M, et al. (2013)Ho B, et al. (2018)
1467SD0.2 M hydroxyurea160 minconfocal microscopy evidenceS288CChong YT, et al. (2015)Ho B, et al. (2018)
1130YEPDuntreatedqualitative western immunoblotting evidenceS288CGhaemmaghami S, et al. (2003)Ho B, et al. (2018)
Showing 1 to 5 of 9 entries

Domains and Classification - S288C

Collection of computationally identified domains and motifs, as determined by InterProScan analysis; includes protein coordinates for the domain, a domain Description, a Source and corresponding accession ID, and the number of S. cerevisiae genes that share the same domain.

Increase the total number of rows showing on this page by using the pull-down located below the table, or use the page scroll at the table's top right to browse through its pages; use the arrows to the right of a column header to sort by that column; filter the table using the "Filter" box at the top of the table.

Gene Protein Coordinates Accession ID Description Source No. of Genes with Domain

Domain Locations

Visual representation of the locations of the domains within the protein, as listed in the Domains and Classification table. Each row displays the domain(s) derived from a different Source, with domains color-coded according to this Source.

Scroll over a domain to view its exact coordinates and its Description.

Shared Domains

This diagram displays domains (colored squares) shared between the given protein (yellow circle) and other proteins (gray circles); the domains are color-coded according to their source, as displayed in the Domain Locations table, above.


Click on a gene or domain name to go to its specific page within SGD; drag any of the gene or domain objects around within the visualization for easier viewing; click “Reset” to automatically redraw the diagram.


Curated mutant alleles for the specified gene, listed alphabetically. Click on the allele name to open the allele page. Click "SGD search" to view all alleles in search results.

dbr1-100 | dbr1-Δ

View all DBR1 alleles in SGD search


Protein sequence for the given gene in S288C and other strains, when available. Use the pull-down menu under "Strain" to select the sequence for a specific strain. The displayed sequence can be downloaded in FASTA format as a .txt file. Amino acids displayed in blue represent modification sites. More detailed evidence for these modification sites is presented in the Post-translational Modifications table, located just below the protein sequence.

* Blue amino acids indicate modification sites. More information below.

Post-translational Modifications -

Modification sites for the protein in the selected strain, based on the presence of a residue in the specific strain, as inferred from experimental evidence.

8 entries for 2 sites

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S269phosphorylated residueSwaney DL, et al. (2013) PMID: 23749301
S269phosphorylated residueHolt LJ, et al. (2009) PMID: 19779198
S269phosphorylated residueLanz MC, et al. (2021) PMID: 33491328
S269phosphorylated residueZhou X, et al. (2021) PMID: 33481703
S270phosphorylated residueZhou X, et al. (2021) PMID: 33481703
S270phosphorylated residueSwaney DL, et al. (2013) PMID: 23749301
S270phosphorylated residueLanz MC, et al. (2021) PMID: 33491328
S270phosphorylated residueHolt LJ, et al. (2009) PMID: 19779198
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 entries

Sequence-Based Physico-chemical Properties - S288C

Calculated protein properties, including amino acid composition, length, coding region calculations, and atomic composition.

Amino Acid Composition

Sort table using the arrow to the right of a column header to sort by that column; download all properties as a .txt file using the "Download Properties" button.

Amino Acid Frequency Percentage

Physical Details

Length (a.a):
Molecular Weight (Da):
Isoelectric Point (pl):
Aliphatic Index:
Instability Index:

Coding Region Translation Calculations

Codon Bias:
Codon Adaptation Index:
Frequence of Optimal Codons:
Hydropathicity of Protein:
Aromaticity Score:

Extinction Coefficients at 280nm

ALL Cys residues appear as half cystines:
NO Cys residues appear as half cystines:

Atomic Composition

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Atom Frequency Percentage

Data not found or not available for 

External Identifiers

List of external identifiers for the protein from various database sources.

28 entries for 9 sources

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External IDSource
Showing 1 to 10 of 28 entries
