Interaction Help

SHH4 / YLR164W Interactions

Interaction annotations are curated by BioGRID and include physical or genetic interactions observed between at least two genes. An interaction annotation is composed of the interaction type, name of the interactor, assay type (e.g., Two-Hybrid), annotation type (e.g., manual or high-throughput), and a reference. Experimental details, phenotype, modification, and multiple mutant information are included when available.

The shh4 null mutant is viable; the null mutant of paralog sdh4 is viable; the shh4 sdh4 double mutant is viable.

Source: All physical and genetic interaction annotations listed in SGD are curated by BioGRID.

Genetic Interactions

An interaction is defined as an experimentally observed physical or genetic interaction between two genes. There may be more than one row listed for the same interactor if the interaction between it and the given gene was observed in separate studies. All interactions listed in SGD are curated by BioGRID.

Genetic Interactions

Increase the total number of rows showing on this page by using the pull-down located below the table, or use the page scroll at the table's top right to browse through the table's pages; use the arrows to the right of a column header to sort by that column; filter the table using the "Filter" box at the top of the table; click on the small "i" buttons located within a cell for an annotation to view further details about experiment type and any other genes involved in the interaction.

Interactor Interactor Allele Assay Annotation Action Phenotype SGA score P-value Source Reference

Physical Interactions

An interaction is defined as an experimentally observed physical or genetic interaction between two genes. There may be more than one row listed for the same interactor if the interaction between it and the given gene was observed in separate studies. All interactions listed in SGD are curated by BioGRID.

Physical Interactions 8 entries for 5 genes

Increase the total number of rows showing on this page by using the pull-down located below the table, or use the page scroll at the table's top right to browse through the table's pages; use the arrows to the right of a column header to sort by that column; filter the table using the "Filter" box at the top of the table; click on the small "i" buttons located within a cell for an annotation to view further details about experiment type and any other genes involved in the interaction.

CCR4Affinity Capture-RNAhigh-throughputHitNo ModificationMiller JE, et al. (2018) PMID:29158339
DHH1Affinity Capture-RNAhigh-throughputHitNo ModificationMiller JE, et al. (2018) PMID:29158339


DHH1Affinity Capture-RNAhigh-throughputHitNo ModificationJungfleisch J, et al. (2017) PMID:27821408

High Throughput: The experiment involved high-throughput sequencing of the RNAs that co-precipitated with TAP-tagged Nab2 (Nab2-TAP).

NAB2Affinity Capture-RNAhigh-throughputHitNo ModificationBatisse J, et al. (2009) PMID:19840948

Transcript signal intensity, between the Upf1p-TAP and mock samples, showed a relative change of at least 2-fold. This change was reproducible in at least three of four replicate experiments and demonstrated a statistically significant P value.

NAM7Affinity Capture-RNAhigh-throughputHitNo ModificationJohansson MJ, et al. (2007) PMID:18087042
SDH3Affinity Capture-Westernmanually curatedHitNo ModificationGebert N, et al. (2011) PMID:22152483
SDH3Affinity Capture-Westernmanually curatedHitNo ModificationChang YL, et al. (2015) PMID:25328978
SDH3Affinity Capture-Westernmanually curatedBaitNo ModificationChang YL, et al. (2015) PMID:25328978
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 entries

Interaction Network

This diagram displays physical (purple lines) and genetic (green lines) interactions between the given gene (yellow circle) and its interactors (gray circles) based on the number of experiments supporting each interaction (adjustable using the slider at the bottom). Interactions between the interactors for a given gene are also shown.


Click on a gene to go to its specific page within SGD; drag any of the gene objects around within the visualization for easier viewing; filter by interaction type (genetic or physical) using the radio buttons; click “Reset” to automatically redraw the diagram; filter the number of interactors displayed by adjusting the number of experiments supporting a gene's interaction with the given gene by clicking anywhere on the slider bar or dragging the tab to the desired filter number.



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