April 04, 2019
The 29th International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology (ICYGMB) will be held at the the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre, Gothenburg, Sweden, from August 18-22, 2019.
The ICYGMB brings together scientists from all around the globe to present and discuss cutting-edge research on yeast. Described as the “most important event in yeast research“, the conference facilitates an environment where the international yeast community can freely exchange information, strike collaborations, and build new projects and alliances.
The 2019 meeting is enriched with over 50 speakers and a program that aims to provide an up-to-date overview of the most exciting topics in yeast research. The program includes lectures and workshops that discuss topics such as cell signaling, evolutionary genetics, aging and disease models, yeast biotechnology, and more.
Registration and abstract submission are now open. The early registration deadline has been extended to May 1. The abstract submission deadline is May 15. Special conference rates for accommodation are guaranteed only until June 1.
Categories: Conferences